Sunday, January 22, 2006

It appears that I am good on paper or at least on this here blog forum/world. If it can be believed I now have another of the male persuasion emailing me.

Oh dear Lord. What the hell.

If I heard someone saying this or saw someone writing this I’d probably roll my eyes and think ‘Ya, right. You are so putting out the signals.’ I swear, on the bible if need be, that I am not.

At my other place I write about innocuous daily life and funny web finds. It is surprising to me what people find interesting and humourous in regards to others. I am the same way as far as the sites I read. Something just grabs me even if it is just about someone else’s innocuous daily life.

This new emailer, and to be truthful now IMer, doesn’t even read my blog. He started emailing due to the comments I leave on his blog. I swear they are just plain jane types of comments, other than I can be sarcastic and dry humoured with a touch of naughty (but generally the naughty is just on certain sites), and things I’d say to most anyone.

This is freaking me out this being good on paper. Am I creating a completely fictional persona? Am I really that different? Or am I actually interesting? Or is this me here, the person bottled up in my daily life trying desperately to get out somehow.

I need to figure out how to make good on paper just good in life/ good in general.


Anonymous said...

Without knowing your other persona, how can we say?

Anonymous said...

I think people are alot more uninhibited over the net but when met in person they return to their more placated personality.
Me? I'm a slut no matter what the forum.

Anonymous said...

S- you'd need to know the other two; blog and real life. You may.

Kow- It is easier for sure once the quote un quote conversing has started. It is the beforehand though that is even more odd. It is just the weird, I don't know, the what that piques someone's interest when all one comments on is whether or not they agree with what you say, or whether or not they like the pics you take or whether or not they like your drawings etc etc etc.

Anonymous said...

Oddly, the connection didn't even occur to me until just after I hit post on my comment last night.
