Sunday, July 02, 2006

I was hanging out with the girls and of course they want to talk about the guy.

"Tell us more, tell us more!"

It's fine. I give them bits and pieces.

Like the fact I got my toes done.
Like I've got some waxing done (no not that!).
Like the last time we talked on the phone.
Like the fact he changed his original travel plans to see me instead of going to another place.
Like the fact I have an airport outfit (how girly is that, sheesh).

Then we move on to what our plans are while he's here and whether or not the girls will get to meet him. Eventually we get to the sex talk.

Boy can they send me crazy.

"You'd better not sleep with him J"
"Where is he staying J?"
"You aren't going to have sex with him are you J?"
"He can kiss you but that's it. You don't want to get into trouble J"

On and on it goes. There are times where it pisses me off to no end but I choose not to got there with them. If I get defensive I could cause them to worry and, really, it's up to me where it all goes.

I swear their memories of all this is fuzzed by their being married and getting a little something. And never mind just married; 3/4 of them were married at 19-20/ Geez! When I get the 'wait til your married' blah blah blah 'it's not that hard' blah blah blah I think, and sometimes say, "What are you talking about? You have no idea." I have more than a ten year ga since I was 20.

Still waiting though.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps I need to read back on your blog to the beginning, but why exactly is it such a bad thing to have sex? I don't understand.

Is it a religious thing?

Anonymous said...

That reminds me of a scene from last summer... While we were in India we met several teams of Americans, and they were big into the whole I Kissed Dating Goodbye nonsense. One of the girls in our group, who was 27 at the time, said she was fed up with listening to 19-year-olds talk about how it wasn't a big deal. They said their first kiss would be on their wedding day, and they didn't get why people said it was so difficult to wait. My friend got so mad, she said she wanted to scream at them: come talk to me when you're my age and you still ain't getting any!

And I've got five years on her...

Anonymous said...

Saffyre: It's not a bad thing. I am just waiting. At this age, moreso even then when I was younger and somewhat idealistic, I don't want to just 'give it up'. I want someone who is going to commit to me. I have observed so many friends emotional fall out from 'just sex'.

I do go to church and believe in God but the more time I think about all this type of thing the more I realize that I have moved beyond the God says no thinking to the I am worth more/worth commiting to thinking.


virgin: Oh man! It so sends me crazy. I think I have a year or two on you even. Geez!

And that idea of waiting for your first kiss on your wedding day??? Come on! Really? I want the kisses now...never mind the fact that first kiss and naked all in one evening is way too much pressure.