Thanks to
Serendipity for todays blog post topic.
If you want to play, the game is:
Make a comment saying so and I'll give you a letter. You then have to think of 10 words that start with that letter and they must mean something in particular to you and your life.
My letter is "C" .
Cayuga- Fond memories related to this include; sand, wind, teak, canvas,orcas, exploring, naps, gentle rocking, heeling, racing, lazy days, summer nights...
Candy/Chocolate- I have a really bad sweet tooth. The only difference as an adult as I have a more discerning palate and would rather pay more for better quality. Either that or go to the UK.
Camping- My family did a lot of camping when I grew up and I continue it still. I so like being 'tough'; setting up the tent, chopping wood, getting the fire going, tromping through the trails, being grubby, doing what you want when you want. And the smell of the fire that clings to everything? Yum.
Cats- If I could have a pet where I live I'd have cat. I love their independence, their silky fur, the sound of their purring, their satisfied sleepy face and, especially, their 'cattitude'. Everything is on their terms.
Cinema- Going to the movies is a great escape. I get my (so bad for you) popcorn and drink, sit in the last row and lose myself (if it is good enough) for 2 hours. I've learned to thoroughly enjoy going on my own without anyone to bother me with questions or comments. I can even laugh out loud now :)
Connolly, Billy- I cry with laughter watching his DVD 'Live: The Greatest Hits' every single time. Or in 'An Everlasting Piece': "
The scrotum is the devil's tobacco pouch."
Canada- I live here and I love it. I've visited all the provinces and it's a fantastic country.
Chieftains- Something about their music touches something in me. Even though they seem to appeal to an older age group I've seen them in concert twice and was in awe.
C******- One of my real names. (so all you get is the letter)
and lastly,
Calls-Especially ones from New Guy!
If you want to play then leave me a comment asking for a letter and I'll give you a letter.