Friday, October 06, 2006

Strangely enough (since this) talk of sex toys has come up more than once over the past week. First I was asked if I owned any by someone who's only in the acquaintence category (I don't by the way). Then I had to explain what a cock ring was to a married friend who wondered how and why I knew about them (reading, TV). To top it off I had to explain tea bagging and pearl necklaces to another friend.

Me. The supposed innocent. And the virgin.

I have never been in a sex shop. I get embarrassed just thinking about it. I know that on the day I entered one, that would be the day someone I knew would drive by and seem me either entering or leaving- ugh! I still get flustered buying bras and 'feminine hygiene' products. I don't know how it got so ingrained into me but so far I have not been able to crush those embarrassed feelings. I can talk about sex stuff with friends and have, on occasions, shocked them with my knowledge as I have the least experience of all (why don't people read???) but cannot bring myself to 'investigate' it in person. The mere though is making me cringe right now.

I swear I am not that big of a prude...
But I am shy.


Anonymous said...

Well, I recently bought a king-sized box of condoms via the Internet out of embarrassment, if that makes you feel better.

Errr, when I say "king sized box of condoms"...

Anonymous said...


Ha ha!

I would want to get a mailbox with a false name if I started ordering 'things' off the net.