That's my head right now. I don't know. And do I ever hate that. And it make me ramble.
I guess I am feeling out of 'it'. I am someone who has a lot of friends, good friends not just acquaintance types, yet right now I feel lonely and alone too much of the time. I am certain part of it is how different my life is from all of their's (married and either pregnant or all ready with kids). I would say 99% of this feeling is me induced. They always ask me to be involved in goings on and I am the favourite among the kids (I am 'the bestest adult friend' and 'I so funny').
I think it is a combo of age (birthday is soonish), wanting a new job, wanting to change where I live and wanting someone to share life with.
I swear I do not have a fairytale ideal in my head when it comes to someone to be with. I've seen the work involved and I've also seen it all fall apart. Along with that I get to see how much fun, connection and, dare I say, love can be involved (ooh, the L word). I don't need this but I sure do want it.
It seems to be a bad case of the blues combined with jealousy and fear with a dash of what the hell on the side. Could I be depressed? Maybe. I am like a leaky faucet right now when I am alone and yet I choose to be alone as I don't want to fall apart around other people. Ugh. They worry or give advice and/or platitudes and this makes me feel guity and grumpy as I really do have it pretty good overall.
I think I am looking at where I am , where I thought I would be and trying to figure out where I want to go. This is ongoing. I've taken workshops, classes, read books and asked questions but I keep coming up blank.