A couple of things. You are vulnerable but open. You are enigmatic but honest. Sexy but scared. In short, I am finding you incredibly stimulating which I don't encounter very often.
Um, wow.
A couple of things. You are vulnerable but open. You are enigmatic but honest. Sexy but scared. In short, I am finding you incredibly stimulating which I don't encounter very often.
Nothing like a bit of stimulation to pique the interest, eh, J?
I'll be honest dear that sounds to me to be nothing more but a well thought out pick up line. But I could be wrong. Then again I have a penis and I may be breaking the law of the cock block by mentioning that.
Forget what I just said and carry on. ;)
W- you could say that.
K- Good thing he lives very far away therefore I am not swooning in his presence. Not that I am even really swooning. I've just never had anyone say anything like that before.
My head still works. I am not a complete push over but...you never know.
Pant's on!!!!
My friend in Philly does have a point. But it's all part of the game...
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