who am i?
where am i?
why do i feel this way?
where am i?
why do i feel this way?
Over the past month people (friends, family and acquaintances) keep telling me how pretty I look, how nice I look , how good I look.
What the hell???
When I look in the mirror I wonder who that is looking back at me. To me I look pale, drawn and stressed coupled with the fact that I almost find myself unrecognizable. It is very strange.
One of my friends in the know figures it's due to the fact I went through a massive personal shift in "giving myself to love" and that vunerability is attractive. I don't know about that.
I feel more like a needy twit.
Hey, I think the pale, drawn and stressed look is bloody sexy.
Seriously, though, I was just saying something to Blue along these lines. Our perception of ourself is so often different to other's perception of us... and we're much less objective, don't you think?
I so agree. I am definitely not objective when it comes to me.
Usually I don't need a double take when Igo by a mirror though. That's a little odd.
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